Green Party Of Ontario
The Green Party of Ontario is committed to building a sustainable, equitable, and prosperous future for the province. Our platform focuses on addressing climate change, protecting natural spaces, strengthening healthcare, creating affordable housing, fostering green economic development, and ensuring transparent governance. Below are key policies that highlight our vision for Ontario, grounded in actionable strategies and a commitment to accountability and well-being for all Ontarians.
Climate Action
Implement a carbon budget and transition to 100% renewable energy by 2045.
Set legally binding emissions reduction targets.
Support green innovation and job creation.
Invest in energy efficiency, public transit, and electric vehicle infrastructure.
Phase out fossil fuels and support clean energy technologies.
Protecting Ontario’s Healthcare System
Increase funding for healthcare and expand mental health services.
Invest in preventative care and community health programs.
Oppose privatization of healthcare services.
Governance Oversight / Policy Accountability Watch
Strengthen the role of the Auditor General and Integrity Commissioner.
Establish independent oversight bodies to monitor government policies and spending.
Implement stricter lobbying rules and conflict-of-interest guidelines.
Require regular reporting on progress toward climate and social goals.
Ensure meaningful public consultations.
Inclusive, High-quality, and Accessible Education
Primary and Secondary Education
Implementing caps on class sizes to ensure more personalized attention for students.
Updating curricula to include comprehensive environmental education, promoting awareness of climate change and sustainability.
Addressing the significant repair backlog in Ontario schools, as highlighted in a December 2024 report indicating that 37.4% of schools are below a state of good repair, with an estimated $6.5 billion needed to bring all buildings up to standard.
Increasing funding for mental health resources within schools to support student well-being.
Post-Secondary Education
Eliminating interest on student debt and converting loans into grants for low- and middle-income students, thereby reducing the financial burden on graduates.
Reversing previous cuts to the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) to enhance financial support for students pursuing post-secondary education.
Inclusive Education
Advocating for policies that ensure accessible education for students with disabilities, in line with the Ontario Human Rights Code's recognition of the need for a climate of understanding and mutual respect.
Implementing programs that promote equity, diversity, inclusion, and human rights to ensure all students have the opportunity to succeed.
Combating Urban Sprawl / Protecting Nature, Farmland, and Green Spaces
Protect the Greenbelt and save it from development
Promote compact, walkable communities.
Implement stronger regulations to safeguard wetlands, forests, and wildlife habitats.
Strengthen protections for farmland and natural heritage systems.
Support sustainable agriculture and local food systems.
Affordable Housing
Build affordable and supportive housing units.
Implement rent control measures and increase funding for co-op and non-profit housing.
Address speculation and foreign investment in the housing market.